Calling Trump a “super spreader,” Cuomo said that Trump is to blame for each of New York’s 25,679 COVID-19 deaths since the pandemic first broke out in March.
“I hold Donald Trump responsible for every death in New York State from COVID because Trump lied," Cuomo said this week. "And in combination with his lies, he was incompetent. It was his lie that said this was nothing to worry about, that this was a hoax.”
At the outset of the pandemic, New York was the hardest-hit state in the country, forcing Cuomo to shut down the economy for months as the state sought to “flatten the curve” and reduce the number of COVID-19 cases to a manageable level.
Cuomo has repeatedly taken the president to task for his handling of the virus, often commenting that while Trump enacted a China travel ban, the virus had “gotten on a plane, went to Europe, and then came to New York.”
The governor's latest outburst came after Trump tweeted that Cuomo displayed “tremendously poor leadership skills,” while mocking him for publishing a book about his handling of the pandemic, titled, "American Crisis."
“Cuomo failed to protect innocent New Yorkers from COVID-19 as he recklessly forced positive individuals into his state’s nursing homes while writing a self-promotional book,” a White House spokesperson stated.
"His revisionist history cannot erase his grossly incompetent decisions or the fact that President Trump took bold, aggressive actions that saved lives in New York and every state across the country.”
Currently, after being the hottest spot for the virus in the country, New York has the third-lowest COVID-19 infection rate, behind only Massachusetts and Maine.
The high infection rate across the country has forced travelers from 43 states to be placed on New York’s mandatory quarantine list.
“The quarantine of 43 states shows you how the world has reversed,” Cuomo said during. COVID-19 briefing in Albany on Wednesday, Oct. 21. “When we started, New York had the highest infection rate in the country because of the COVID ambush.
“The president was wrong. This is not the China virus, it’s the European virus,” he continued, paralleling the pandemic to the 2011 movie “Contagion.” “How this federal administration thought this virus would stay in China for three months is wholly inexplicable.
“The president brags about the China travel ban, but then doesn’t do a European travel ban until March 16. He allowed three months for the virus to come here.”
Cuomo added: "New York State had that big burst because it came from Europe, and not China, and they never did a European travel ban because he was lying to the American people. He is the super-spreader that brought the virus to America.”
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